The Diamond Medilift provides a dynamic wavelength device that can be used to tone muscles anywhere on the face and body, as well as decrease and mobilise fat in certain areas. This technique is based on the response of muscles to electric stimulation. With proper pad placement, the muscles of the face can be stimulated to increase their size and tone. This will fill in the gaps that cause wrinkles from poor muscle tone. Equally important is the ability of the Medilift to tone and tighten the skin over the muscles.
The MediLift program usually requires a minimum of 12 treatments and be can be done as frequently as 2-3 times a week. Fast and proven results are best maintained with usage of skin care products during and in between sessions. As with any muscle exercise, maintenance is required. Medilift requires maintenance of once a month.
Results and benefits include but are not limited to:
– Face Deep Face Contouring
– Electro Muscular Stimulation Face Lifting
– Micro-Current Non-Surgical
– Rejuvenation + Renewal
– Product Penetration
– Deep Cleanse
Tuesday 10AM – 6PM
Wednesday 10AM – 7PM
Thursday 10AM – 7PM
Friday 10AM – 5PM
Saturday 8AM – 3PM